Monday, March 10, 2008

Sudden Stirring

I love my friend Megan. She doesn't read blogs and is barely online- that is her flaw. But she does love a good Coach handbag and that is her redemption.

We went out for coffee last night and talked until they kicked us out. Then we sat in her car and talked for 2 more hours until we both began to yawn. It was an appointed time. We shared, prayed & it was significant.

I told her some of the things that have been stirring in my heart and she listened. Then she shared the similar stirrings in her heart, and I listened. There were suprising similarities.

Suddenly, what was not seen one day, is revealed the next and cannot be ignored. What was perfectly fine yesterday, is now uncomfortably not ok anymore. There is change coming- a transition is in progress.

Lord- clearly, You are moving, stirring & shaking us. What was doubt has been replaced with acceptance of Your hand. I'm not clear on exactly what You're doing, but even though its hard & unexpected, my Jesus, its welcome.

1 comment:

Bree said...

praying with you:)
hugs from the snow-