Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Questions

7. Do I listen to others?
I think so. It depends on who it is and how much caffiene I've had. That's embarassingly true. If I've had a ton of caffiene and am hyper, run. I really don't like that, but it's true. Since we've moved, my outlets are fewer and fewer so when I do find someone to chat with, I know I'm not nearly as interested in them, as I am in talking. I hate that I'm like that.

8. Do I work hard?
When I need to. I'm trying to work less simply for the sake of working...putting aside what doesn't need to be done, and living more in the moment.

9. Do I help others?
Hmmm. I suppose so. I feel like I"m really in a self-centered stage right now. Part of me feels entitled to a little bit of that after so much outward focus for so many the detriment of my family. So I'm challenged to work on this...stop making excuse and start giving what costs me.

10. What do I need to change about myself?
I think that is a ridiculous question to have to answer. Perhaps I should reflect on that, but still- no, I think it's a poor question. How about...what area(s) do I feel God is challenging me in right now?
1. Dealing w/ anger/frustration w/ the children in an appropriate way
2. Financially, being intentional about every decision- big and small

My Friend Jadie

I met her 10+ years ago when she was 8 months pregnant and standing at my door. Our husbands were in class together at Regent. She is now one of my dearest friends, even though we haven't lived near each other for 6 years and we sometimes go a few months without talking to each other. We have shared openly, honestly about our triumphs & failures, given life & encouragement to those dry, barren places- and both love to eat and shop. I'm meeting her in Indianapolis this weekend (a halfway point for both of us)- just for 24 hours, but I'm already happy.

It makes me think about friendship. I've just relocated and don't have many friends yet. I'm part of a moms group (carbon copy of MOPS) and slowly, slowly, slowly am feeling more comfortable. God has brought dear friends into my life at every stage, and He'll do it again.

She can read!

Last night I was just hanging out with Gracia- enjoying just being with her. I needed to send an email so quickly got out my laptop and typed it I was typing, Gracia came over and began finding the letters of the alphabet on the keyboard. I stopped typed and just watched, then after she was done decided to take her to a website that a homeschooler friend recommended as being helpful for reading. Long story short, we discovered that she can read. LOL Her longest sentence: "The ants ran to the jam" after which she screamed "I can read Momma, I can READ" and danced around the room.

It was a beautiful moment. I've been working with her on for some time and finally all the pieces came together. What a moment.

I can't help but spiritualize the concept. How our Father works with us- moving only as quickly as we're willing to go, as long as we can stand it, session after session- and then one day, we put it all together and wow. I can read.

Now, to get Samuel to walk.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I stink at blogging

How many others have said this? But really, I do. I already feel so narcissistic even having a blog, and I struggle with how much time I already spend at my computer and choke at the thought of spending even more. Yet, sometimes I there are things to be said and no one to say them to....and to be fair, usually I do my best thinking, outside my head. So here we are again.

We've been here in KY for 5 months. Its been much, much better than I expected. The steps are slow, but the rewards are great. After the initial vaccuum of people subsided (first our 'life' in VA was just people 24/7, and then after we moved it was busy. I loved it even in the excess. The first 12 weekends, we only had 3 weekends 'alone', just the 4 of us. Good times). So then it got quiet. Really quiet, and I loved that as well.

So I feel like I'm finding myself again- life isn't smushing me or squashing me (hows that for deep thoughts). And we're building anew- one step at a time.