Wednesday, October 22, 2008

She can read!

Last night I was just hanging out with Gracia- enjoying just being with her. I needed to send an email so quickly got out my laptop and typed it I was typing, Gracia came over and began finding the letters of the alphabet on the keyboard. I stopped typed and just watched, then after she was done decided to take her to a website that a homeschooler friend recommended as being helpful for reading. Long story short, we discovered that she can read. LOL Her longest sentence: "The ants ran to the jam" after which she screamed "I can read Momma, I can READ" and danced around the room.

It was a beautiful moment. I've been working with her on for some time and finally all the pieces came together. What a moment.

I can't help but spiritualize the concept. How our Father works with us- moving only as quickly as we're willing to go, as long as we can stand it, session after session- and then one day, we put it all together and wow. I can read.

Now, to get Samuel to walk.

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