Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I stink at blogging

How many others have said this? But really, I do. I already feel so narcissistic even having a blog, and I struggle with how much time I already spend at my computer and choke at the thought of spending even more. Yet, sometimes I there are things to be said and no one to say them to....and to be fair, usually I do my best thinking, outside my head. So here we are again.

We've been here in KY for 5 months. Its been much, much better than I expected. The steps are slow, but the rewards are great. After the initial vaccuum of people subsided (first our 'life' in VA was just people 24/7, and then after we moved it was busy. I loved it even in the excess. The first 12 weekends, we only had 3 weekends 'alone', just the 4 of us. Good times). So then it got quiet. Really quiet, and I loved that as well.

So I feel like I'm finding myself again- life isn't smushing me or squashing me (hows that for deep thoughts). And we're building anew- one step at a time.

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